The Team
of Equus College of Learning & Research
The Equus College of Learning & Research

Equus College of Learning & Research …ABN 68 081 448 875.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy Pty Ltd ACN 081 448 875.
The courses are recognised and Practitioners accredited with ECL&R, BTAA, BAA and Bowen associations world-wide
The Equus College is an approved Training Provider
The Equus College of Learning & Research was formed in 1998 to deliver courses in Animal Bowtech® EMRT® and CCmrt® worldwide.
The college is a privately run organization specifically geared to the Research and Learning of
therapies EMRT® and CCmrt®
In order to verify and understand how this wonderful innovative new modality of healing worked in
the body, it was important to be able to collect data showing: – the how, what, where and when of
EMRT® therapy and its workings within the mammalian body.
As there were no other standards by
which to measure this work… we had to create a system of research.
This fell into three aspects: –
1 VETERINARY – Working with vets – I was blessed to have Terry McEvoy a
wonderful Mentor to our work, and my uncle, a Welsh country farm and small animal Vet in the UK, Our other wonderful Equus College Vet lecturers including Dr. David
Clift, in Australia who has taught from 2000, Barry Johnson ex-president in the UK, Roger Barnard, in NZ, Alison Macintosh and Raquel Butler and EMRT /CCmrt practitioner herself and in Europe Dr. Bigitte all
have contributed Veterinary aspects to the EMRT® or CCmrt® Animal Bowtech® courses
2 USING TECHNOLOGY – our main resource are the energetic
measuring devices for frequencies and thermography
THERMOGRAPHY using Infrared imaging – study 2011 – three horses in the study plus a control for three weeks they
had the same environmental conditions. Infrared photos were taken before and after receiving a
body balanced treatment. Thermography is also used for individual cases.
NEV – Energy photos specialised camera developed by Doctor Harry Oldfield, the technology of
which is similar to Kirlian, i.e. showing energy pattern disruptions and changes within the
electromagnetic field externally and internally of the subject including blockages and scattering of energy in the meridian lines .
RFI – Resonant field imaging, in which frequency counter measures collects data on the different frequencies before and after a move or a treatment. .
3 HORSES AND SMALL ANIMALS – The third and probably the most important backbone of the
college are the horses. In 1993 Gumnut Farm
Andalusian Stud was born with the acquisition of an Andalusian stallion Talento and 3 Mares; the main
objective was to document this therapy within a controlled situation i.e. a stud that was totally run
and situated within the college. This always meant that the horses could be observed, treated and
documented with EMRT® protocols.
Our Main objective was to monitor the progression of horses using EMRT® as a yardstick from
preconception, through conception, partition, birthing, post-delivery, nursing, growing, training,
through to the performance horse.
THESE are three areas of validation along with the collection of EMPIRICAL DATA of many thousands of CASE HISTORIES of treatments from the practitioners, the student practitioners and our own research here at the College
The courses in Animal Bowtech® EMRT® and CCmrt® were developed with the understanding of
non-invasive gentle therapies that worked with the horse’s whole being, as well as with the body,
not only encompassing the physiology of all 12 systems of the body bringing them into balance; but
also working on mental/ emotional patterning, (how they act and react to certain stimuli and
their blue print patterned behaviour) as well as the energetic components of polarity, EMF and
understanding of frequencies in healing of the body.
it is important to remember the basic precept of this work is a love of… and a desire to help
All Equus College courses are geared to help the student to be able to bring forward that ‘healing
from the heart’ within an academic framework; a totally holistic perspective in Healing
Our science subjects and learning The Anatomy and Physiological components. Which were written and taught by University
Vet Science lecturer, Dr Terry McEvoy, with whom Ali worked with as an equine surgical nurse in the
1970s at his prestigious Brookfield Large Animal Hospital. In the 1990’s After seeing how EMRT®
worked in the equine body assisting the body to recover from such conditions as ‘wobblers’
condition,’ head shaking, eyesight issues, lymphangitis, tetanus and many others that he witnessed
whilst EMRT® and CCmrt® were working under his auspices out of his Veterinary surgeries in the
Brisbane Valley (1996 – 2000)
In 2007 the stud and the college was moved North from Eumundi to a farm on the Mary river near
the peaceful village of Tiaro, in Queensland Australia.
THE TEACHING FACILITIES include a stable block, Clinic/ classroom, yards, paddocks and the office of
the Equus College.
After three years of research, the first courses in EMRT® – the 2-day Horse owner courses were held
from 1993 to 2005.
After 7 years of research and development The EMRT® Practitioner course was brought to the
world in 1997 being taught in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, UK and America.
In 2008 the Equus College (ECL&R) became the Official Animal Arm of the Bowen Therapy Academy
of Australia (BTAA) world wide
Ali Goward
®With a lifetime of loving and living with horses, along with a background in Small Animal and Equine Veterinary Nursing – and a career constructing and teaching VETEC approved Remedial Body Therapies through the Queensland Institute of Natural Sciences, QINS, where she trained as a Naturopath.
When Ali discovered Bowen (1989) she knew this Therapy’s gentle, non-invasive, holistic nature, was how she was going follow her lifelong mission and dream to help horses.
In 1994, Ali became a Senior International Instructor for the Bowen Academy of Australia, where she taught Bowen on humans in Europe, the UK, America and New Zealand as well as in Australia. the Human BowTech® therapies
EMRT® (1990) and later CCmrt® (1997) have been derived from the Original Bowen technique principles of practice along with a lifetime’s knowledge in the allopathic medicine, complementary medicine and energetic medicine all have combined with the innate knowledge and understanding of how animals think and feel to produce the beautiful healing work of
EMRT® Equine Muscle Release Therapy (1990) has been specifically developed for the biomechanics of Equines, some carrying a rider. Ali also created EMRT’s® sister therapy CCMRT® (1997) Cat & Canine muscle release therapy devised and developed specifically for small animals.
Ali first taught the wild life WLMRT® (2023) course for wildlife carers.
With the mentoring and blessing of Bowtech® ‘The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia’, directors Ossie and Elaine Rentsch, Ali created the Equus College of Learning & Research to bring this amazing therapy to the world for all animals and their Humans.
Since 1993 Ali has been teaching EMRT® Internationally – EMRT® is the first and Original Bowen on Horses course with over 33 years of R&D

Lynley Moroney
Senior International Instructor EMRT & CCMRT
Lynley is based in New Zealand and spent 25years working and training in the thoroughbred breeding and racing industry.
Turning to Bowen therapy as a last resort after enduring a disabling back injury leaving her with a 50% chance of being in a wheelchair, she finally found relief and help with this therapy.
After hearing of Ali Goward coming to NZ to teach Equine Bowen she knew instantly – this was her calling.
Being a part of the Equus College family for the past 25 years, Lynley a fully qualified animal Bowtech EMRT and CCmrt aswell as a human Practitioner went on to complete 5years of extensive teacher training to become an International Instructor for the Equus College of Learning & Research.
She travels the world teaching both animal Bowtech EMRT and CCmrt practitioner courses.
Lynley is a much loved and appreciated Member of the ECL&R family.
ECL&R Instructors
Sally Goward – Office Manager
Frank Goward – Farm Maintenance
Dylan Dalglish – College Helping Hands

Senor Tom Bowen
‘TomTom’ is an Andalusian thoroughbred cross, and was the first Equus College foal born at Gumnut Farm Andalusian stud . He is by our first Stallion Supreme Andalusian Champion in hand and under saddle ‘Mayville Lodge Talento’; out of Blueblood racing stock, ‘Eventful Lady’….who’s Sire, ‘Chief Sundance’ (USA,) was the world record holder for 8 Fur. Tom, named after Mr. Tom Bowen, is a very Important part of our teaching team. Tom has had a wonderful life though old age is showing an issue with his hamstrings; like all beings we have our areas of imperfection that becomes a bonus for students learning.

Senorita… Bred and Born at Gumnut Farm Daughter of Our late El Gran Senor and GF Talenta, (ML Talento), Spanish Andalusian Mare. She is now 27years of age and the second eldest of our Equus College farm. Senorita has been a part of the R&D and teaching team since she was a foal, at 4 months old Senorita displayed signs of stifle lock – a few EMRT® treatments resolved that; though now in her old age it has come back to be a problem again – the latest EMRT® students have been able to see her walking with the gait of stifle lock and then treat her successfully with EMRT®. Senorita is featured along with Senor Tom Bowen in the Bowen documentary – “These 2 Hands”

MJ is a beautiful 8 YO Andalusian thoroughbred grey gelding born at the college , standing at 17 .1 hands, he is By Diestro Dinero and out of Little Miss.
He has the beautiful nature of a thoroughbred coupled with his wonderful Andalusian temperament and is a firm favorite in the courses.
he was caught in a fence during a flood when he was a youngster, and this has left him with scarring on his leg and a an issue in his hind end from muscles that we’re possibly torn he responded very well to his EMRT® treatments and sometimes he can be worked on from a distance showing many responses …so it’s very valuable and teaching some of the energy work during the Animal Bowtech® EMRT® courses

Australian Andalusian Mare, Is the offspring of Sire Mr Bean (GF El Gran Primeroso) and Dam Sweetie-Pie. Belle is now 3 years of age and stands at 15th.
Bell is a 4th generation filly bred at the college
She is quite dark though she will go grey. she has many champions in her pedigree so it is interesting to see her throwing to the Margot Jensen’s Stallion “Sebbie”s conformation coming through from her great grand sire on her dam’s side
With her sweet disposition she will be a part of the courses from 2022

Purebred Spanish Andalusian as a Stallion was bought to breed
De Niro’s by Esplendido who was bred by my great friend of my Paco Gomez;
When He came to Gumnut Farm Andalusian Stud as a 14 month old , he had one undescended testicle retained in his abdomen. two EMRT® treatments allowed the testicle to drop through the inguinal and he became a prolific Sire.
his grandchildren are on the ground now
Dinro enjoys his time in the herd of horses and very occasionally is ridden and of course attends EMRT® courses.

DPDD/Mr Bean
Purebred Spanish Andalusian, Home-bred Offspring of Sire Dinero and Dam Pash, (El Gran Senor) Mr Bean is 8 years old. Grey and stands at 15.2hh.
DPDD Mr. Bean AKA G.F. El Gran Primerso is the last stallion Gumnut Farm bred; he was gelded as a young colt, then another testicle appeared a couple of months later. this testicle appeared to be vital … He sired 3 foals Star AJ and Belle; after which was gelded, again.
he is a sweetheart and very loved by those he meets

Purebred Spanish Andalusian, Offspring of Sire Dinero and Dam Pash.
Charlie is now 9 years old and stands at 16hh.
Mr bean’s full brother, Charlie, is a beautifully conformed 16 hand Andalusian the son of the Dinero and El Gran Passiona… (El Gran Senor x Mayville lodge Alcazar EL, … both national supreme champions under saddle; a feat not often heard of for a mare to beat the stallions )
Both Senor and El were part of the Equus college EMRT® team L.
El’s beautiful movement enhanced by her treatments saw her take out the national supreme ridden Andalusian under saddle beating the stallions which is pretty unheard of … this I think was EMRT’s® crowning glory to have a horse that used it it herself so well that was even and balanced and strong… we were very proud of our girl she passed off on ability too El Gran Passiona who was the dam to Charlie and Mr. Bean ….Charlie is beautiful such a sweet boy and is a model for some of our course books

Sweetie Pie
Sweetie Pie is a Second cross Andalusian. She is the offspring of Sire Dinero and Dam Coco and is now 7 years old, standing at 15.2hh.
Sweetie Pie was part of our EMRT® breeding program and the mother to Belle she is 15 .2, dark brown and due to no fault of her own has not been handled enough to be in classes. the she is part of our Mare’s herd
Sweetie Pie is looking for a new home would make a great project horse with someone who has the time to be work with and love her

Andalusian thoroughbred cross, the offspring of Sire Mr Bean and Dam Little Miss.
Aj is now 3 years old and stands at 15hh.

This Beautiful Boy is an Andalusian thoroughbred cross and is the offspring of Sire Mr Bean and Dam Precious. He is now 4 years old and stands at 15.3hh

Sweet girl Shelley is an Andalusian Thoroughbred cross, offspring of Sire Dinero and Dam Surprise. Shel is now 8years old and stands at 15.2hh.

Andalusian thoroughbred cross, offspring to Sire Dinero and Dam Precious. Stella is 8years old and stands at 16.1hh

Welsh Shelly
Is a Welsh B Pony, who is 6years old and stands at 13hh.

Little Miss
Thoroughbred mare, is the offspring of Sire Lord of the Land and Dam Precious. She is now 12 years old, and stands at 16hh.

Little Big Man
Welsh Arab cross, Donated to the College. Little big man is 4years old and stands at 12 hh.

Mini Me
Welsh Mountain pony, and Toms BFF. This little girl 8years old and stands at 11.2hh

This Young man was donated the college, he is an Australian heritage stock horse and is now 7years old. Sam stands at 15hh.

Franksie came to us as a rescue and is a Quarter-horse thoroughbred cross. He stands at 14.2 hh. And is 10years old.

Spinner came to us as a rescue in his Mumma’s belly, Dam Surprise and Sire Doc Spinifex colt. He is Quarter-horse thoroughbred gelding standing at 15hh and is now 15years old.
The Horses
We’re very proud that we have 5 supreme national Andalusian horses both in hand and under saddle, that have come through this programme. We also are donated many horses having such conditions as Wobblers, Head Shaking, Laminitis and many other varying conditions that we can re-habilitate through the therapy. They become a much-loved part of the Equus College for the teaching program.
We have had up to 30 horses and currently have 20 horses as part of our teaching team. The documentation of working with now 4 generations of stud horses has been invaluable as a foundation Corner Stone of this beautiful Animal Bowtech® Therapy helping with our research being able to see …what is genetics and what is environmental. We have had up to 7 dogs residing here – currently we have a breeding pair Donny and Betty who have just had 4 new pups .. along with 6 cats, all are instrumental with the continuing Research & Development of this beautiful highly effective therapy.
Gumnut Farm Andalusian Stud
Gumnut Farm Andalusian stud was created in 1992 specifically to see how animal Bowtech – Equine Muscle Release Therapy (EMRT) would Help with preconception to performance.
In those early days there was no other therapy like it in the world so therefore there was nothing we could use as a guidepost to how this therapy would work. The horses at Gumnut Farm have been an integral part of the research and development of the therapy and have proven beyond expectations how this beautiful non-invasive therapy can help the horse.
Gumnut Farm has produced 5 national supreme champions. In latter years has rescued many horses with various conditions such as head shaking, kissing spine, lameness, wobblers syndrome and metabolic disorders that have helped the students in their learning of EMRT and shown how this therapy can help with these ailments.
Gumnut Farm is an integral part of the Equus College of Learning & Research.

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