Equine Muscle Release Therapy
Healing Horses Gently
Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ EMRT™ is a gentle, non-invasive bodywork for horses developed by Ali Goward, Australia.
It is based on the Bowen Technique for humans, taught to Ali in 1989 by Ossie Rentsch, director of the Bowen Therapy Academy Australia BTAA.
Horses are athletes and like humans subject to stress and strain. EMRT™ alleviates these by balancing and re-aligning the body’s systems.
EMRT™ is the official animal arm of Bowtech, and is the only Bowen on horses recognised by the Bowen Academy of Australia.

Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ in the horse world, has been derived from the Original Bowen Technique, pioneered in Australia by Tom Bowen from Geelong. Bowen Therapy is now recognised as one of the most powerful hands-on, non-invasive treatments throughout the world.
In 1989, Alison Goward, an accredited Senior Instructor both with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia BTAA and Senior Lecturer in Body Therapies began applying the Bowen Technique to horses. From her intensive research as a Remedial Body Therapy specialist teacher Ali quickly realised that the human techniques could not be directly transposed to horses. They are quadrupeds with a very different muscular structure, an inflexible spine, a differing digestive system and no gall bladder. They also carry a rider, a harness, pull a carriage and often are used as beasts of burden.
Thus she embarked on a continuing program of research and development in the Equine therapy EMRT™ and Biomechanics of the horse, for what has now been over 30 years.
Alison was also a Small Animal & Equine Veterinary Nurse and has worked with vet Dr. Terry McEvoy from the late 1970’s until today. Dr. McEvoy co-wrote the EMRT® & CCmrt® Anatomy and Physiology components (180 hour courses) and has co-taught EMRT® internationally. Much of the research into EMRT® and CCmrt® has been conducted in collaboration from his veterinary clinics since 1996.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy has been continually developed since 1990.
History & Research
How does it work?

EMRT™ is a very dynamic technique, which signals the brain to initiate the healing process. It consists of gentle rolling, sequential moves over specific points of the muscular fascia. Through specialised nerve cells found in the fascia the body receives the message to take the spasm out of that muscle. Energy flows are stimulated & balanced, encouraging the body to reset & heal itself, producing rapid & lasting relief from pain & discomfort.
This gives the body a chance to achieve balance that promotes well-being of the whole horse.
EMRT has been developed from an understanding that horses, like people are subjected to stress and strain from performing athletic tasks asked of them by their owners, (similar to athletes). If these stresses and strains continue without relief, then there will be a breakdown in the body somewhere. This breakdown may be physical, as in lactic acid retention, muscles or tendons becoming inflamed, odeaemas, and spasms, resulting in structural problems as the skeleton is pulled out of alignment by the spasming muscles. The breakdown can also be of nervous system origin, mental origin or emotional. All point to the same thing, that the horse is not in balance.
Non-invasive & non-manipulative, EMRT™ helps bring about a positive response to muscular, respiratory, organic & glandular conditions. It is an ideal way to help the body function at an optimal level of health & efficiency & can be used as a preventative in the same way that sports massage is used by athletes.
Equine Muscle Release Therapy can be used in conjunction with & complements other healing modalities, such as herbal medicine, as it activates the body’s powerful natural self-healing ability.
EMRT is not a replacement for Veterinary advice.

- Muscular, tendon & ligament strains
- Skeletal/structural problem
- Injury and illness speeds recovery and recuperation through improved circulation
- Lymphatic drainage and lactic acid imbalances (Vets in Australia have reported EMRT is the best therapy for homeostasis of body fluids)
- Bladder/kidney infections, dry/cracked hooves, wound healing
- Removal of toxins build-up associated with conditions such as "tying up" and Colic
- Degenerative and growth disorders
- Excellent for pain management
- Mental/emotional problems caused by fear, tension
- Prevention of problems or simply as a "treat" to your horse
- foals with 'wind blown' limb deformities'
- Stallion and mare issues from pre conception to foaling
- Performance preparation
- Pre and Post training
EMRT™ works in conjunction with your Vet and does not replace Veterinary treatment.
EMRT™ – Practitioners are trained specialists who will give follow-up advice for the full rehabilitation of your Horse – always use a fully accredited Practitioner.
EMRT was developed in conjunction with Australian and UK Equine Specialist Vets. Equus College is extremely grateful to Dr T.J. McEvoy 1942 – 2022 who Mentored, taught, co wrote the science subjects and collaborated in the R&D from 1996 until his passing . Always remembered
photo little Gideon born a dwarf who could not suck – EMRT helped his sucking mechanism to activate
photo TJ with a demo horse teaching EMRT® in Colorado USA
photo Spinner the foal that was rescued from the dogger’s yard
photos of Franksee – EMRT students on the way to college found Franksee non response non breathing – revived him with the EMRT First Aid Moves – at the side of the road ..they saved his life …we bought him and he is now a valued part of the Equus College team of horse teachers
What problems can EMRT
help with?


“On The EMRT™ seminar for the AAHV[Australian Association of Holistic Veterinarians]…..it’s a modality I can recommend to you all … Australia’s own Bowen Therapy for Horses , it can be used in all diseases. EMRT™ allows the body to realign itself … often areas that have not been directly treated respond to it… and it can be used in association with routine western medicine for a large range of diseases.” – Charissa Smith BVSc DIP Ac on writing to the British Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association photo Dr Charissa Smith with Dr Tonia Werchen with Ali and EMRT researchers Tony Robinson and Bill Stevenson at the EMRT course Eumundi
“I am indebted to Ali Goward for introducing me to EMRT™… The consequences of Ali’s work are potentially experienced world wide and revolutionary for the horse and their people. I urge all serious horse Veterinarians to learn and experience the power of EMRT™ ” – Alison MacIntosh B.V.Sc. letter to the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
“Having had the opportunity of personally working and training with Tom Bowen over a period of 8 years I have no hesitation in stating that you have accurately applied Tom’s unique healing technique to horses. Once again thank you and my sincere best wishes in teaching EMRT™ to all those who love horses.” – Keith Davis D.C. N.D. (one of Tom Bowen’s 6 boys letter written to Alison Goward after attending an EMRT™ seminar photo Dr Ali Mac, Dr Jo with Keith Davies, his wife Audrey and Ali Goward at the EMRT course